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Excel 2007 Manual
Archives for 2013
Understand Boolean Logic: False Is Zero
Introducing The Boring Use Of Sumproduct
Excel Is an Object?
Understanding Macro Security
Why The Minus Minus? Coerce Numbers From True/False
Sum Every Other Row Or Every Third Row
Store Holidays In A Named Range
Excel-VBA: Recording the Macro
VBA - First Things First
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Find the First Non-Blank Value in a Row
Challenge: You want to build a formula to return the first non-blank cell in a row. Perhaps columns B:K reflect data at various points in t...
Challenge: Calculate how many workdays fall between two dates. Excel's NETWORKDAYS function does this if you happen to work the five da...
Sum Every Other Row Or Every Third Row
Challenge: In Figure 7, someone set up a worksheet with dollars in rows 2, 4, 6, 8, and so on and percentages in rows 3, 5, 7, 9, and so o...
Understand Boolean Logic: False Is Zero
Challenge: You want to become a guru at Excel formulas. To master conditional computing formulas, you need to understand Boolean logic fac...
Why The Minus Minus? Coerce Numbers From True/False
Challenge: While IFand other functions that expect logical tests can easily convert TRUE and FALSE values to 1s and 0s, the SUMPRODUCT ...
Excel Is an Object?
You’ve used Excel for quite a while, but you probably never thought of it as an object. The more you work with VBA, the more you view Excel...
Excel-VBA: Recording the Macro
Taking the First Steps This tutorial describes the steps you take prior to recording the macro. In other words, you need to make a few pre...
VBA - First Things First
Before you can call yourself an Excel programmer, you must go through the initiation rites. That means you need to make a small change so E...
Store Holidays In A Named Range
Challenge: The NETWORKDAYS and WORKDAY functions can take a list of company holidays as the third argument. If you store the list of holi...
Introducing The Boring Use Of Sumproduct
Challenge: Your IT department sends you a file with unit price and quantity sold. You need to calculate total revenue. You usually add a n...
Excel 2007
Understand Boolean Logic: False Is Zero
Introducing The Boring Use Of Sumproduct
Excel Is an Object?
Understanding Macro Security
Why The Minus Minus? Coerce Numbers From True/False
Sum Every Other Row Or Every Third Row
Store Holidays In A Named Range
Excel-VBA: Recording the Macro
VBA - First Things First
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Excel 2007 Manual
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